Weekly Meetup
During the meetup events in February and March, modmesh contributors made the installation process of modmesh on windows computers smoother and fixed many CI related issues, while some contributors developed many plotting related features to make the presentation of the mesh more flexible.
In addition to project development, there were also many people having questions about their work. Some people asked about the difficulties they encountered when working on the Vue.js project and auto-streaming databases, and some people asked how to improve the performance of LLM models from both software and hardware perspectives.
March Workshop
sciwork organized a new event called Advanced CFD software development workshop in March. Chun-Hsu and many sciwork volunteers have been preparing for this workshop since February. Yung-Yu introduced the numerical method space-time CESE method, unstructured mesh with mixed elements, and many important software engineering techniques to make participants understand how to write the programs to get correct results with high-performance and maintainable numerical software through the modmesh project.
Mesh has always been an important issue in numerical software that is easily ignored. While preparing for this workshop, modmesh contributors make a lot of effort to finish plotting the unstructured mesh with mixed elements. The participants can see a more concrete mesh, which is pretty important for the development of numerical software.
After this workshop, many participants discussed on the discord channels to continue to learn about the modmesh. Some participants joined the March scisprint to learn more about the modmesh. sciwork will continue to organize more events to enable more people who are interested in numerical software to write programs and share ideas together.
February and March Scisprint
Two scisprint events were held in February and March, one in Hsinchu in February and one in Taipei in March. After the CFD workshop in March, the scisprint in March welcomed many new partners. Everyone started to discuss and develop projects of their own interest, and some people came to communicate with each other about their lives and works.
Many new friends joined modmesh. While building modmesh with the new friends, modmesh contributors have been reviewing the original building process on the windows computers and tried to make an automatic process to build modmesh with one command. On the other hand, some contributors developed a feature about mesh viewers to make modmesh to display more complex mesh structures.
Swportal has started the project of automating meetup page generation. Currently, they have finished setting up GitHub action and parsing some meetup page information. They will continue to look for ways to automate the generation of discord sesh events. They also tried to adopt the COSCUP Volunteer Systeem to manage sciwork volunteers.
In addition to continuing to complete the grammatical error checking feature, pyLiteracy had adjust the rules of syntax tree parser, a tool for visualizing nonlinear binary trees in natural languages, to correct a bug caused by the unclear distinction between adjectives complements and modifiers in verb phrases, and tested it against similar cases. They also found that modifiers in other types of phrases can have similar problems in the phrases-right case.
The development of uTensor on python binding has made great progress. We have completed the memory allocation part and integrated python wrapper into uTensor's CI process. They also can test uTensor's C++ runtime with pytest.
In addition to introducing the translation process with new partners and continuing to push forward the progress of translation, pydoc-zhtw contributor also solved many difficulties in translations together. They identified the translation names of seven uncertain translations. At the same time, they discussed the translation process for new partners and encouraged them to review PRs together, so that they could understand the problems that may arise in the translation and resolve them.
Finally, the commitzen-tools project came to the scisprint event after a long time. Many people were very curious about this project. The contributors not only introduced the project to the participants, but also reviewed many PRs and closed many issues through discussions among the contributors.
sciwork organized a lot of events in February and March. More and more volunteers joined in the preparation of sciwork's events. We are also very happy to see the growth of many projects during this period. We look forward to the next events.
You can check the event photos at https://www.flickr.com/photos/sciwork/albums.