Meetup 2023 October 25th in NYCU


  • Date: October 25th, 2023
  • Time: 18:30 -- 21:30 (3 hours)


  • 18:30-19:30 Free discussion
  • 19:30-20:00 PyLiteracy: A Linguistics-Based Grammar Checking Method
  • 20:00-21:30 Meeting: prepare November scisprint


PyLiteracy: A Linguistics-Based Grammar Checking Method

Speaker : Jonathan Chen is currently an undergraduate student majoring Foreign Language and Linguistics in NYCU.

The sharing will provide an alternative top-down view towards the common grammar and lexical errors among Mandarin documents. Unlike the mainstream data-driven method, PyLiteracy does not require any pre-trained language models while extracting the errors.

PyLiteracy Project Link: GitHub

Meeting: prepare November scisprint

Additionally, we will discuss the following items to prepare November scisprint.

  • Task arrangement for volunteers
  • Promotion plan for November scisprint
  • Review the result of October scisprint

Sign up

The event is free. Please register on discord event. Click the green check mark to participate the meetup.

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About Meetup

Meetup is an event providing space for people to work on open source projects together. We welcome any subjects that may interest the attendees, and especially encourage code for science, engineering, and technology, which demand more critical discussions than other applications of computer programming.

We would like to provide a supportive and friendly environment for all attendees to support more developers to join in the open-source communities.

To join the meetup, please bring your laptop and sign up. Please contact us if you have any questions.