Sciwork + DUTC NASA Open Science Skills Training 2024 August

NASA Open Science Skills Training 2024 August

Join the NASA TOPS Online Training!

We are excited to announce the upcoming collaboration between sciwork and NASA TOPS online training, scheduled on 20th-21st August. This training session is designed to introduce you to the skills for open science.

After completing the NASA Open Science Skills Training, participants will receive a thank you email with a copy of the training materials. If the participant attended and participated in both sessions, their information will be shared with the NASA office to process the NASA Open Science digital badge (~90 days to process). We also invite participants to follow us (DUTC) on LinkedIn and forward our open cohort registration dates to those who they think may be interested. You are welcome to join the sciwork community for collaborations for scientific programming. Say hi to us on our discord server.

Learn how to...

  • Use tools like Git/GitHub, Python, Matplotlib, Jupyter Notebooks, and Zenodo.
  • Make research accessible, transparent, and reproducible.
  • Understand concepts like FAIR and CARE.
  • Draft Open Science and Data Management plans (required for ROSES solicitations).

Understand NASA TOPS!

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