Scisprint 2020 October: turgon

Scisprint 2020 October: turgon

Turgon ( is a research code implementing the space-time conservation element and solution element (CESE) method for solving conservation laws in one-dimensional space. It utilizes both Python and C++ and is built in a hybrid architecture. High-performance C++ code is used in the framework and computing kernels. Python API is provided in every level for easy access of the data and analyze.

The code demonstrates how to put together a computing system that addresses both performance and usability.


Please visit to sign up.

Date & time

24th October, Saturday, 2020, 1:30pm -- 4:30pm


  • 1:30pm -- 2:00pm: Introduction and preparation
  • 2:00pm -- 4:00pm: Sprint
  • 4:00pm -- 4:30pm: Presenting and closing
  • after 4:30pm: Free time; networking, dinner, after party

Software Requirements

To join the development, you need to bring a computer that is capable of installing or building the following dependencies:

  1. A C++ compiler that supports C++14 standard
  2. Python 3.7
  3. Cmake 3.15.4+
  4. numpy
  5. pybind11
  6. modmesh


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